Fart FM Logo White

Fart FM® is an independent podcast network and production company



We create scripted audio entertainment and more. Our goal is to make ourselves laugh. We hope to work with talented actors and artists along the way.We are currently developing our first scripted comedy. Feel free to email us if you'd like to collaborate.

We are foolishly optimistic

In the coming years we'd like to:

Movie Icon

Option our podcast IP for TV and film development

Our Shows

Content Piggies Cover Art

Content Piggies

Quantact Cover Art


(Coming soon)

You Make Fart FM® Possible

Fart FM® will always be free-to-listen.We will never paywall our podcasts.
We rely on audience members like you to make this possible.
If you enjoy our content, please donate to support our creative efforts.We greatly appreciate your contributions.
Thanks for listening!

Content Piggies Cover



Society & Culture

Content Piggies is a sometimes-funny, mostly unscripted podcast made by a group of old friends. Theme music by Sam Morales & Jake Schreiber. Content Piggies is a Fart FM® Original Production.

Content Piggies on YouTube
Content Piggies on Apple Podcasts
Content Piggies on Spotify

Hosted by

Swine Supreme

Swine Supreme

Colonel Kielbasa

Colonel Kielbasa

Bacon Bits

Bacon Bits

Taylor "Tex" Hamm

Taylor "Tex" Hamm

Claim Your Free Content Piggies Sticker

The first 100 listeners** will receive a free Content Piggies sticker.

**Offer is limited to the U.S. only. Must be at least 18 years of age to enter.

Contact Us

Email AddressPurpose
[email protected]General Inquiries
[email protected]Legal Matters
[email protected]Contact Content Piggies
[email protected]Media Inquiries
[email protected]Billing and Sales Support

RSS Feeds

Fart FM, LLC Privacy Policy

This privacy policy provides information regarding personal information Fart FM, LLC ("Fart FM") collects and the ways in which Fart FM uses that information.

Personal Information Collection

Fart FM may collect and use the following personal information:
• Your name
• Your email address
• Your address
Fart FM uses third-party vendors (see "Data Processors" below) for payment processing. Payments are handled trough Stripe, PayPal, and other similar services.

Legal Basis for Collection of Information

Fart FM asserts the following legal grounds for the collection of data:Explicit Consent — You provide explicit consent for Fart FM to collect your personal information when you donate to Fart FM, purchase merchandise, or request a free sticker.

Using Personal Information

Fart FM may use your personal information to:• Administer https://fart.fm
• Communicate with you.
If Fart FM discloses your personal information to third-parties (we have no intention to do so), said parties will be obligated to use your personal information in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy.In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified in this privacy policy, Fart FM may disclose your personal information, to the extent that it is required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings and in order to establish, exercise, or defend its legal rights.

Data Processors

Fart FM uses the following data processors with respect to personal information collection:

Data ProcessorPurpose
OP3Listener Analytics
PayPalPayment Processing
StripePayment Processing
TallyOnline Forms

Data Retention Policy

Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep personal information, we plan to retain it for no longer than is necessary to fulfill a legitimate business need.

Securing your Data

Fart FM will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of your personal information.

Cross-Border Data Transfers

Information that Fart FM collects may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which Fart FM operates to enable the use of the information in accordance with this privacy policy. You agree to such cross-border transfers of personal information.

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such persons to share information with Fart FM. If you are under 18, please do not send us any personal information. No one under age 18 is permitted to provide any personal information to or on Fart FM. In the event we learn we have collected personal information from a child under age 18, without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe we may have information from or about a child under 18, please contact us via email at: [email protected]

California Online Privacy Protection Act Notice

When users interact with https://fart.fm, Fart FM does not then track users across the Internet. We do not use “do not track” signals.Fart FM does not authorize the collection of personally identifiable information from users on any Fart FM website for third-party use through advertising technologies.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

Fart FM seeks to fully comply with the European Union’s GDPR. Accordingly, you have the following rights on this website:(1) Right to be Forgotten — If you wish your data be permanently deleted, contact us at [email protected]. We will be delete your data in a timely manner.(2) Right to Object — We do not perform data science projects on user data, nor do we intend to do so in the future.(3) Right to Access and Rectification — Contact us at [email protected] to access copies of all user data we retain for you. We will remove, update, or change any personal information about you upon request.(4) Right of Portability — We only retain your name, email address, and, in some cases, address. Regardless, we will provide this information to you upon request.

Other Websites

https://fart.fm contains links to other websites. Fart FM is not responsible for (1) the contents of third-party websites or (2) the privacy policies and practices of any third-party.

Updating this Policy

Fart FM may update this privacy policy. Occasionally check this page to ensure you are familiar with any updates.Last Updated: 2024 July 18

Claim Your Free Content Piggies Sticker

The first 100 listeners** will receive a free Content Piggies sticker.

**Offer is limited to the U.S. only. Must be at least 18 years of age to enter.

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